
The Hormones That Affect Gene Activity - Omics Help Desk

Home Forums Model of health: (Epi/Meta)Genome*Exposome=Phenome The Hormones That Affect Gene Activity

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    I was doing a bit of reading on how hormones can alter gene function and I found some amazing stuff I thought would be worth sharing. The lipid-soluble hormones such as steroids, vitamin A, and the thyroid hormone are the ones that react based on gene activity. These particular hormones are circulated through our bloodstream and contain binding proteins similar to that of DNA. This is why and how steroids can make such huge changes to the human body that are otherwise just not attainable.


    Since posting this, I spoke with someone on another site who mentioned personally using steroids and he actually became fascinated with how much they can alter the chemistry and genetic makeup of the human body. He showed me his before and after pictures and he was able to put on 30 pounds of raw muscle in less than 3 months.

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