Screenshot excerpts showing Miss Vegan’s and Q Bob’s Viome microbiome test results
A growing list of direct-to-consumer (DTC) microbiome genetic testing services have popped up in recent years since I first tested my own microbiome sample and wrote an article in Omicshelpdesk.com about it. If you are not familiar with the microbiome or with microbiome sequencing you might want to read that article first. Since then, hundreds of millions of dollars in financing have been invested in microbiome testing startup companies like uBiome, Viome, Finch Therapeutics, Kallyope, Second Genome, Human Longevity, Maat Pharma, Seed.
Many of these startups are focused on nutrition and making diet recommendations as that is the most obvious application when studying gut bacteria which are in fact responsible for metabolizing the food we eat, and it is also the least risky business one may attempt at this still early stage of microbiome research. They all seem to have very nice reports and user interfaces from the screenshots I looked at. The one service I looked at more attentively this time around is Viome, by accessing the reports that a vegan friend allowed me to see in the Viome web site and app, which contained the results of her microbiome test. In this article I compare her results to those of a man who runs a personal blog called Quantified Bob. In his blog, Q Bob, as I will call him here, shares his experiences quantifying everything that can be measured in his body or about him.
But before presenting that comparison, I would like to bring some attention to two important inquiries we need to pursue before choosing and paying for a DTC microbiome test in order to assess its validity: (1) We should research if the technologies and methods the company uses have been validated; and (2) We should ask if the service offers access to the raw sequence data.