
What information can someone like 23andMe provide? - Omics Help Desk

Home Forums 23andMe, Ancestry and other genotyping services What information can someone like 23andMe provide?

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    I am generally curious about my ancestry and would love to get more in touch with my heritage and biological roots. I don’t know much about my family’s history before the time of my great grandmother on my mother’s side and my grandmother on my father’s side.

    I have never done anything like this so I am not sure what to expect. Can someone give me a rundown of the type of information they send out after completeing the sample and forms?


    After you send your sample, a few weeks later you can see the results on the 23andme web site. For ancestry you will see a chart like https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3032/13058306123_0ac971918b_o.png


    Does anyone know anything about this? Even some links to informational pages would be useful. I am having a hard time understanding just what we get mailed back. Examples would be great if anyone here has done one too!

    EDIT: Thank you patyb!!! I just posted my message as you did yours. I will check out your link 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by MDavis.
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