
Could we improve our instinct? - Omics Help Desk

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    Coined as ‘gut-feeling’, is instinct could be strengthened? Is there a way where we could improve it and use it for our own benefits? Could we program the connection between the gut and the brain?


    This is an interesting concept, one I would have never actually given deeper thought to. They say our brain is hardwired to the health and function of our gut so everything we put into our digestive system will affect our brain and vice versa with mental trauma, emotions, and so on.

    IBS is said to be caused by mental stress and harboring too many toxins within the digestive tract is said to increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

    The connection both ways are pretty fascinating and I feel like the “gut feeling” notion is down to past experiences we store in our subconscious memory warning us of physical or mental danger. I would further like to look into and see if there are connections with the flight or fight response as well.

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